Vitamins for Children

Ideally, children should get their nutrients from the foods they eat. However, picky eating habits and genetics can cause even healthy kids to need a little extra help. Some studies also show that younger children tend to get more of the necessary vitamins and minerals. However, this trend decreases as children get older and they’re more susceptible to the influence of outside factors and less under the watchful eye of parents. These are the most common nutrients that are lacking in the diet of the average child.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is usually produced naturally in the body through sun exposure. Unfortunately, the trend toward excessive sunscreen and less time outdoors has caused many children to get less than the recommended amount of this important source of prevention for many common conditions, including cancer and heart disease. The recommendation is 400 IUs per day for children until the age of two, 800 daily for ages 2 – 12 years and 1,000 IUs oer day for teens.



Milk is the best source of calcium, but children tend to drink less as the get older and move on to sweeter, less nutritious beverages. The recommended dosage is 700 mg per day for children 1 -3, 1,000 mg per day for 4 – 8 year-olds, and 1,300 per day for children aged 9 – 18.


This nutrient, which is commonly found in fish such a mackerel and salmon, some nuts, dairy and eggs, is thought to boost brain activity and protect the heart. It’s difficult to get kids to eat enough of these foods to receive a beneficial amount of this important nutrient on their own. Up until the age of one year, it’s recommended that children should get 0,5 grams per day, 1 – 3 years should consume 0.7 grams, ages 4 – 8 need 0.9 grams each day. After that, the beneficial amount differs for boys and girls. Boys between the ages of 9 and 13 should get 1.2 grams, and girls in that age group require 1 gram daily.

In addition to the nutrients, children also need a supplement that contains the recommended daily allowance of fiber. You can find vitamins for children from a number of online sources. Children’s vitamins are formulated to give kids the most common nutrients that they need for proper development and growth. They often come in fun shapes, and are naturally flavored with fruit flavors that kids love.

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