These Dental Mistakes Have A Nasty Bite

You probably think it’s easy to look after your toothy pegs. After all, you just need to make sure you are brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing occasionally and using mouthwash every so often. Nothing too tricky about that is there? Be careful though because even if you are doing all these things, you could still be making mistakes that will be affecting your oral health.

How Long Do You Brush For?

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If you’re not brushing for long enough, using a toothbrush will be a rather pointless exercise. For instance, spending less than thirty seconds on your teeth will have roughly the same impact as spending the time staring at a mirror. Instead, you should be aiming to spend approximately two minutes brushing so about four minutes every day. If you don’t know how to keep track of the time, you can get brushes with timers. They’ll let you know when you’re actually done.

Wrong Angle?

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When you brush your teeth, it’s important that you’re using the brush at the right angle and starting at the correct point. Otherwise, you’re going to find that you’re missing out on key areas. If that happens, you can expect a stern word or two next time you visit the dentist. They’ll show you that you’ve missed certain areas of your teeth out completely.

Delayed Treatment

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If you have an issue with your teeth, you shouldn’t just leave it alone. This will cause it to gradually get worse. Eventually, you’ll find that either a tooth needs removing or you need surgical treatment. This isn’t an exaggeration so make sure that you are looking for emergency dentistry and dentists nearby where you live if you have a serious problem. Even leaving it for a day could make the issue a lot worse.

Too Much Brushing

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If you brush too frequently, it can be just as damaging as not brushing at all. Brushing after every meal, for instance, can cause the gum line to wear down creating the same impact as plaque on the teeth. That’s why dentists recommend the golden two minutes for brushing. Any longer and you could start to do some damage.

Teeth Whitening

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Teeth whitening toothpaste can have adverse effects, wearing away your tooth enamel until they start to look transparent. If you love having bright, white teeth, you need to think about long-term whitening treatments instead. You can get these prescribed by trained dentists, and while they are more expensive, they are also more effective.

Too Hard

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Finally, you do want to be careful when choosing a toothbrush. A lot of people make the mistake of choosing a hard brush over one with softer bristles. Dentists advise against this because a hard brush will hurt. This will make you more reluctant to brush your teeth. Using a soft brush will make it a lot easier for you and encourage you to brush more regularly.

Are you making these common dental mistakes? If you are, it’s time to course correct and start cleaning your teeth far more effectively.

2 thoughts on “These Dental Mistakes Have A Nasty Bite

  1. Hi She Informed team,
    I hope you are having a great Tuesday so far! 

    I’m Raúl and I’m part of the Community Outreach team with  Basically, my job is to search the internet to find and read interesting, factual and informative articles.

    Recently, I’ve been reviewing articles about electric toothbrushes which brought me to your article – I thought it was a great read! All of your suggestions were very creative and oral hygiene is always important or adults and kids alike.
    After reading through your post, I noticed a broken link that leads you to a page to a comparison of electric toothbrushes that is no longer active.

    Here is the page with the broken link:

    Here is the URL of the broken link:

    Thought you might want a friendly heads-up as that page has no content. I also wanted to offer you a possible replacement for this resource. Our team has just updated our guide on the best electric toothbrushes and I felt that this could be something you could use to replace that broken link.

    You can find our guide here:

    Just thought you might be interested in an up-to-date review. Would you be open to using our resource as a way to replace the broken link?
    I understand this is a huge ask, so as a thank you – we would love to mention your post on our social media pages! We love sharing insightful content for our followers and I know they would benefit from your content.
    Thank you so much for your time, looking forward to your thoughts and feedback,

    Raúl Andrés

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