Healthy Teeth for Your Whole Life: All About Orthodontic Care for Adults

Teeth crooked? Embarrassing smile? It’s awful, isn’t it? You always feel like you need to cover your mouth when you smile or even talk. You might even avoid some social situations because of it. And, pictures? Forget about it. The camera is not your best friend.

Here’s how to change everything about your smile, even if you’re not a teenager anymore.

Before You Go In

Before you go to see a dentist for teeth straightening, think about what you want from the arrangement. There are a lot of ways to get your teeth straightened as an adult, but not all of them are going to be right for you.

And, some options that work for some people won’t work for others. You can learn more about some of the options out there by visiting the major dental websites, like Rock Center Orthodontics.


This is one of the most popular options for adults. It consists of a plastic retailer-like device that replaces the traditional braces you see in movies and in magazines. Instead of a “mouth full of metal” you have a mouth full of plastic. But, the retainers are removable so you can take them out when you eat – a major selling point.
They gently move your teeth into the right position over time, and the retainers are replaced periodically to allow for more adjustments and as your teeth move to fit the retainer’s mold.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are metal braces that are applied behind the teeth, instead of in front, like you normally see. They can be uncomfortable for some, because the wires and brackets are up against the tongue. But, they’re nearly impossible to see, which makes them a good choice for many people.

Clear Ceramics

The clear ceramic option is a near-invisible option that uses clear ceramic or tooth-colored braces that look like a retainer.

The wire is silver, but the brackets and ligatures are both clear or tooth-colored.

What’s Possible, What’s Not

Fortunately, the list of what’s not possible is a short one. When you’re a teenager, you tend to have a lot of time on your hands. So, getting a “mouth full of metal” might be embarrassing, but it’s not fatal or disruptive to your life.

When you’re older, however, and you have a family and responsibilities, it might impact your work and home life.

So, think long and hard about getting traditional (or even non-traditional) braces when you’re an adult. It’s not just the time spent sitting in the dentist’s chair. It’s also the time spent dealing with the braces at home and work.

Some people find them painful (especially when the dentist needs to adjust them) or disruptive when eating. If you have to take extra time at home or work to maintain or work around them when eating or doing other activities, it can become a serious pain.

You might even miss some time at work, which will impact your finances.

On the other hand, there’s a lot to love about straightening your teeth. Almost anything is possible and, despite the official message 20 years ago, you can get your teeth straightened at any age.

Leo Reeves is in his last year at dental school. Specializing in orthodontics he writes on both kids and adults dental health topics for a variety of health blogs online.

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