New To Blogging? Become A Brilliant Blogger Overnight With These Helpful Hints

Blogging is a revolutionary way of sharing, communicating and expressing yourself. Think of it as your online journal which you keep updated with posts and images. It’s a place where you can voice your opinions and talk about the things you are most passionate about. From fashion to baking, you have complete control. Not only will it give you a confidence boost but it will also connect you with like-minded people. Some bloggers have even had that much success from their blogs that they make a comfortable living out of it. Blogging has boomed in popularity over the past few years, and it’s easier than ever to start your own. But it’s important to remember that blogging is more complex than just writing about your day, and there is a skill to it. So if you want to become a brilliant blogger, you’ve definitely come to the right place. These helpful hints will help you transform your blog and take you from a blogging beginner to a blogging pro overnight.

Think of original content ideas

Becoming a brilliant blogger requires you to come up with new and original content ideas that grab people’s attention. You have to commit to doing this consistently if you want anyone to notice your little corner of the internet. But when you’re first starting out, it can be tempting to copy blogs that are similar to your own. This is not going to make your blog stand out and shows lack of care and laziness. Plus it will put people off from sharing your blog posts, and they will move on to someone else’s instead. So while it’s fine to use other sites as inspiration, never directly copy someone else’s idea. For example, you might be inspired by the quizzes and advice featured on sites such as Vixen Daily. But you should think of a different way to do the same on your own blog to avoid copying and repeating someone else. You’ll notice that the most successful blogs will have unique content that they have taken the time to research and talk about. Your blog is never going to get heard if you’re just re-writing something another blogger has already covered. Plus having unique content makes it easier for your blog to be found on popular search engines.


Look at multiple sources for different  ideas on topics you could write about. It could be a local event, a news story or a personal experience. You can research an era of time or promote an up and coming artist. Popular holidays such as Christmas and Valentine’s day can also spark relevant post ideas. The possibilities are endless. Creating original content allows you to share your thoughts, ideas and views rather than mimicking someone else. Compile a list and generate ongoing content ideas in a notebook that you can carry around with you. You never know when or where inspiration may come from.


Create a plan of action

Now you have a list of incredible ideas to blog about; it’s time to start planning. Blogging quality content on a regular basis is something you need to achieve. While you may have plenty of ideas, that doesn’t mean you have to post them all in one week. This can be overbearing and is likely to lower the quality of your post dramatically. On the other hand, you also don’t want to post too little, or your followers will soon lose interest. One of the essential things about being a brilliant blogger is creating a plan of action. Use a spreadsheet or calendar to effectively plan your time. You may have a full-time job, education or a family to work your blogging around. Determine when the best time for you to do your blogging. Factor in the time it will take to research and edit each of your blog content ideas and how regularly you want to post. Be realistic and don’t try to cram too much in. Once a day is something that many bloggers try to aim for but sometimes it is just not possible. Having this plan of action and keeping it updated will help you create more concise and higher quality content at a rate to suit you.

Also, think about the timing of when you share your content. It’s unlikely that anyone will be awake to read your post if you publish it in the early hours of the morning. So you need to be strategic with when you decide to share your posts. As well as using your plan of action to do this you could also use content creation platforms such as CoSchedule. This site will help you publish your content at suitable times to ensure it gets the recognition and promotion it deserves. Meaning that your voice gets heard by the right people at the right time.


Create appealing headlines

The headline of your blog posts is something you need to get right. It may seem minor, but it gives visitors to your site an invaluable first impression into your content. The last thing you want to do is spend hours writing an incredible piece only to receive a limited response due to a bad title. If the title doesn’t capture the reader they will swiftly move on without even reading it. Even though it could be fantastic and exactly what they are looking for. So to become a better blogger you need to start creating more appealing headlines. You may find this difficult to begin with but with some practice, it will come more naturally to you. Always start with a working title before you write your content and go back to edit it once you have completed it. Come up with at least three edited title options before deciding on which works the most effectively at getting your point across. Try not to make it too long, always check your spelling and make sure it’s memorable. Take a look at some of your favorite blogs and see what headlines and titles they have used. Alliteration and play on words are both popular tricks used by bloggers to create catchy titles. Get creative to make your titles stand out and entice people to read them. This will also encourage people to share your post which can only enhance the number of people who get to see it.

Again, always check that your blog post titles are original and unlike anyone else’s. This will make it harder for it to be found. So once you are happy with your titles, use Google to make sure no-one else has used it before. Try to establish your own style of headlines and titles for your post and always be consistent. Otherwise, the traffic to your blog will be irregular, and your posts will be confusing to your followers. If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, you could try using a blog title generator like BlogAbout. These sites ask you to enter keywords to come up with an array of different results you could use.


Start networking with others

The blogging community is vast and to be the best blogger you can be you need to get involved with it. Networking is one of the easiest ways of getting your name out there. So don’t just focus purely on your own blog and isolate yourself. Or you could be missing out on a wealth of opportunities. Interact with your followers and ask them for their ideas and feedback. Your followers are the ones who will promote your blog by re-posting your content, so start building relationships with them. If they comment on your most recent blog post or ask a question, try your best to comment back. Offer advice and talk openly about your experiences as this will make you more approachable. You will begin to notice the same people revisiting your site and you will naturally start to form relationships with them.

Also, reach out to other bloggers who have a blog with a similar ethos and interests to your own. It might be intimidating at first. But don’t be afraid to comment on their posts and to ask for help and advice. You could attend networking events to get to know other blogger. The more effort you put into doing this, the easier it will become. Plus other bloggers will want to help you out in any way they can. You could promote each other’s blogs and collaborate on content ideas. You could also assist each other on generating ideas on how to gain more traffic or improving the look of your blogs. There are countless reasons why networking could benefit your blogging experience. Working together can only be beneficial, and it’s something you need to do if you want your blog to succeed. Plus if you don’t get your name out there, nobody is going to know you exist.

Hopefully these helpful will vastly improve your blog and get it noticed for all the right reasons. Blogging does take time to master and part of the fun is experimenting and trying new things. So establish your own unique style of blogging and enjoy the process.

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