Soda Stream Genesis G100

In 1819 Samuel Fahnestock patented the “soda fountain”. Yes almost 200 years since his patent. Then there were all sorts of flavors added to this fizzy water. Then bottles were made and it was delivered for almost the next 100 years by horse-drawn wagons. It wasn’t till 1913 that motorized deliveries were made.

My… how times have changed. Now, instead of running to the store you can make soda in your own home. SodaStream has revolutionized the soda pop industry. You can make it and drink it all in the same day in the convenience of your own home. How cool is that?!?

What I have is the Starter Kit which includes everything you need to get started making your very own soda water at home. It also includes everything you need to make a variety of soda pops from there. In fact, it includes everything you need to make diet pops, energy drinks, and flavored waters as well. All you need to supply is the water, and you can use your own tap water to make it.

Here is the process to get going after you get your SodaStream Starter Kit:

  • Fill the bottle that is included in the kit with water and refrigerate it.
  • Install the carbonation cylinder in the Genesis machine.
  • Take the chilled bottle of water out and screw it into the Genesis.
  • Push on the top of the machine three times to carbonate the water.
  • Remove the bottle from the machine and add your favorite flavor to it.
  • Drink and enjoy!

You can buy additional flavors in a variety of sizes that fit your needs.

I like mine a little less fizzy and a little sweeter so I only use two blasts of the carbonation and then add extra syrup to the water. My son likes it fizzier and sweeter, So you have the opportunity to make it the way you like it as well. Try getting that out of a store-bought soda pop.

The cost per serving is around twenty-five cents. This is much cheaper than purchasing them at the store. On top of that is the fact that you are saving the world from making more cans and bottles to distribute the store-bought variety; so I feel like I am helping out the environment as well.

Visit SodaStream at to see what all they have to offer. They have a wide variety of different machines and drink mixes to choose from as well as supplies to keep you going!


I received this product for review purposes only and all thoughts and words are my own.

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