Busy Parent? You Still Have Options For Improving Your Education

When you become a parent, life changes forever. It’s no longer just about you- your own wants, needs and wishes come after this precious little person you have brought into the world. However, it doesn’t mean to say that you have to give up on yourself completely. In fact, using any free time to improve yourself can make life better for your entire family. For example, making time to exercise and look after yourself will keep you fit and healthy and allow you to run after your children more easily. Going back to work part time allows you to maintain your professional skills, as well as earn money (which could make life more comfortable). Improving your education allows you to stay productive and improve your skills, as well as boost your job prospects for the future. But of course, everything has to be done to fit around your children. If you’re considering taking up a course, here are a few questions to ask yourself.


What Will You Study?

Are you looking to improve on skills you already have, or learn something new? Are you studying because there’s a particular job you have in mind when you finish that requires certain qualifications? It’s easy to choose a certain subject just because it sounds interesting. But if you’re hoping education will lead you to a better job later down the line, you will need to study a subject which relates to the job you want. Make sure it’s something you’re still going to enjoy though, it will make it far easier to stick it out.

Busy Parent? You Still Have Options For Improving Your Education

From florestry to forensics- what will you study? (source)

At a College or Online?

You have two options when it comes to studying. You could either attend a college, or study online. There are drawbacks and benefits to each so it’s all about working out what’s best for you. If your children are in school during the day, you could attend a course in person for one or two days a week during school hours without hugely disrupting your schedule. If you’re unable to get to a college (or would prefer the flexibility of home study) it’s worth researching different online college and universities. These will give you more options as you can study from anywhere in the world, so you’re much more likely to be able to get the exact course you want. You could look into anything from criminology to sciences, mathematic subjects, English, to psychology and accredited mental health counseling programs online. If you have something very specific online and it’s not offered by your local college or university, then this would be the way to go. When you study online, you can fit this around your childcare commitments. It could be done during school hours or at evenings and weekends- whatever suits you.

What Childcare Options Are Available?

Socializing with loved ones is always a positive thing for children. It allows them to stay close to important people in their life and improve their confidence with others. So if your friends and family are keen to look after your kids while you study, don’t feel bad about letting them do so! Alternatively, you could consider a childminder or nursery for a couple of hours, if you’re on a low income you may get help towards these costs from the government. This is useful as it allows children to mix with others, this can help them prepare for starting school. If they’re already in full-time education, it can be a fun way to socialize with other kids in a non-school setting. You could then use this time to work on your studies, whether it’s attending a class in person or working online from home. You get to build towards a positive future, and they get to have fun. As parents, we can feel immense guilt about having our children looked after by others, but it shouldn’t be the case. It can be beneficial for both of you if the time away is spent wisely.

Diversify Your Retirement Fund!

Can parents or in-laws help with childcare while you study? (source)

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