How To Make Going Green Fun

A Tough Sell?            More and more we’re hearing on the news about the negative effects our energy intensive lifestyles are having on the environment. Whether it’s the melting glaciers, rising sea levels or scorching summers, the outlook doesn’t seem to be too good. Additionally, with unpredictable weather patterns here at…

Stop Smoking-Try e Cigarettes

For people who want to quit smoking but are finding it difficult, electronic cigarettes can be a practical solution. This is a safer and less expensive alternative to traditional cigarettes. Fin electronic cigarettes allow you to enjoy the sensation of smoking without the smoke or ash. Other people won’t have to worry about secondhand smoke,…

The Three Main Conventional Treatments for Depression

Broadly speaking there are three main conventional types of treatment for depression and the one chosen generally depends on the nature and severity of the illness. Psychotherapy This basically involves talking and listening to relieve specific symptoms and to help people adjust to and cope with the problems of everyday life. Consequently it is sometimes…

The Must-haves of a Singapore Gynecologist

A gynecologist is a medical doctor who treats the female reproductive system. This includes artificial insemination (A.I), treating women with low fertility, menopause, fibroids removal, cramps, endometriosis, cysts of the ovary, and curing sexually transmitted infections. It is a great career path for those who have a strong passion for caring for female patients, especially…

Need for Hearing Aid to Combat Hearing Loss

Loss of hearing (Presbycusis) comes along with aging. The National Institute of Health concludes that over one third of the US population between the ages of 65-75 is suffering from hearing loss, according to their research. Additionally, almost half the population over the age of 75 suffers from irreversible hearing loss. Therefore, the usage of…

Quitting Cigarette Smoking

Smoking is a habit that is so hard to quit. It is the first thing on your mind in the morning, after you eat a meal, and on your mind constantly in general. It is also the way that many smokers socialize and take their coffee break. How can you break all of these habits?…

Facts about Singapore Abortion

Pregnancy is critical moment in a woman’s life. After a woman is sure of the pregnancy through a test, the early signs will become evident. Reliable tests can be conducted using a home pregnancy test kits that can be purchased from a reliable health pharmacy or drug stores. Apart from fatigue and sore throats, other…