In the Spotlight: Debunking 5 Modern-Day Beer Myths

Ah, beer. There’s nothing better than an ice-cold beer after a long day’s work, but how much do Americans really know about the drink they love so much? There are a number of myths surrounding this favored drink, but which ones are to be believed and which ones are just that: myths? This article will be dedicated to getting the facts straight.

There are more than five myths about beer. If you’re interested in learning more about the world of beer, here are some tips from Alcohol Professor.

1) Dark Beer Is Stronger Than Light Beer

False. The color of the beer has everything to do with how long the barley, wheat, corn, or rice are roasted and nothing to do with alcohol content. Dark beers do have a stronger taste than light beers, but the alcohol’s potency is related to how long the grains are left to ferment. Fermenting is the chemical process in which yeast bacteria convert sugar to alcohol. Roasting is how long brewers apply heat to their grain, which determines its darkness and flavor.

2) Women Don’t Like Beer

False. While some women may not prefer the taste of beer, plenty of women would rather have a beer than a glass of wine. People’s food preferences are linked to genetics and their taste buds, not with whether they are female or male. Although it is generally true that women have a stronger sense of taste and therefore dislike the bitter flavor of the beer, it is not to say that all women fall into this category.

3) Beer Can Help You Fall Asleep

Well, okay, maybe there’s some truth to this myth, but not in the way you might expect. Alcohol causes drowsiness, and this can lead to falling asleep faster but, like other sedatives, you’re sacrificing quality for quantity. That’s because alcohol disturbs REM sleep. If you’re looking for a way to relax, beer, as well as any other alcoholic beverage, will do the trick. But beware, you probably won’t feel well-rested the next day. You’d be better off counting sheep.

4) Light Beers Have No Flavor

False. Never underestimate what a food scientist can do. Beers range in flavor, even the lighter ones. Lighter beers tend to taste malty, sweet, or even fruity, while darker beers are stronger and roaster with distinguishing flavors of caramel and nut. Light beers are generally favored by those who prefer sweet as opposed to bitter.

5) Too Much Beer Gives You Beer Belly

False. The distribution of weight is based on genetics and varies from person to person. It is not a direct result of the kinds of food they eat. Although drinking too much beer can lead to weight gain, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll go straight to the belly. That extra beer can just as easily show up in the hips, thighs, butt, back, underarms, calves, sides, or chest.


Here’s what to take away: the color of beer determines its flavor, not the potency; girls like beer, too; a nightcap can easily become a night zap; light beers are tasty; too much beer will go straight to the hips—or thighs, or arms, or back, or chest—and you get the point. Hey, maybe your party trick could be to set your friends straight about five modern-day beer myths. Cheers!

12 thoughts on “In the Spotlight: Debunking 5 Modern-Day Beer Myths

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