Many generalist therapists can effectively address mental health difficulties.If someone has depression, a competent therapist will be able to diagnose the disorder and implement a treatment plan and therapy strategy that will help them to better cope with their symptoms and problems. However, continuing with this example, sometimes the reasons behind depression are tied to complex psychological, developmental, societal, and political factors and a specialist therapist is required.
Someone who is depressed because they are struggling with concerns related to their sexual orientation or gender identity may require the help of someone who is expertly trained . If you are a member of the LGBTQ community, here are some reasons as to why you should turn to LGBT therapy.
It gives you a safe place to vent about your feelings
As a member of the LGBT community, you know the struggles that often come with your sexual orientation or gender identity.. Some people are fortunate enough to be able to come out as who they truly are and find acceptance among their close friends and family. This gives them the ability to openly speak and feel better understood without fear of judgment. It also helps them to build a solid support system that greatly assist whenever things get difficult along their journey. Others, however, may not have such an accepting family or friend circle and feel pressured to hide away from the world out of the fear that they will be ridiculed or harmed for who they are.
When people are pressured into this, they have nowhere to turn to vent about their experiences or to receive support. With LGBT therapy, you will have that resource so that you can receive the help and assistance that you need to get through whatever problems you may be facing.
Those in the LGBT community are at greater risk for mental health issues
Unfortunately, LGBTQ people are at greater risk of developing mental health issues, including highly distressing suicidal ideation and self-harm behavior. This can be linked to the fact that those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or anything other than heterosexual and cisgender will often experience discrimination. In fact, it is estimated that those belonging to the LGBT community are ten times as likely to encounter bullying and victimization at school.
These kinds of issues may also reach into adulthood, although the forms of harassment are sometimes different or more subtle. Regardless of age, gender identity, or sexual orientation, LGBT therapy will give you the ability to work through some of these issues and the negative impact they have on your mental health.
An LGBT therapist is guaranteed to be accepting
As sad as it is to say, there is no guarantee that every therapist will be accepting of your gender identity or of your sexual orientation. Although some may set aside their opinions and work towards improving your mental health without specialist training they will not be as effective you need them to be., Although it is rare, also be on the lookout for therapists who hold unprofessional, harmful, and negative ideas about LGBTQ people. Stay away from therapists like this.
Conversely, when you specifically seek out LGBT therapists, you will get someone who much better understands your experiences and more easily work with you to improve your mental health. In sum, you will have to do very little translating of your experience with them and can instead more succinctly focus on your struggles.
The struggles that the LGBT community faces are numerous and can be difficult. If you’re grabbling in the face of discrimination, seek support and assistance., Many times it may be best to seek out LGBT therapy and get the help that is designed specifically for your needs.
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