12 Amazing Secrets To Looking 10 Years Younger. The Doctors Never Tell You These Tricks!

We’re all looking for the magic answer to youth. The bad news is that there’s no one remedy. There’s no simple trick to shaving ten years off your age. There are, however, lots of little tips that – when used all together – will have a drastic effect. It’s a clever combination of diet, beauty treatments and makeup tricks. It’s also learning to love life, lower stress and choose styling that suits your body. The doctors don’t have the answers here, but we do!



Today we’re shining a light on these secrets. None of them are expensive or drastic measures. We’re certainly not suggesting surgery or injections. Everything on this list is simple and easy to implement. You can even start today, right now. Neither are they complicated, dangerous or time-consuming. It’s all about making small changes throughout your life and achieving that youthful glow. Ready to learn the secrets? We thought so, let’s take a look.


  1. Correct makeup use – There are so many clever makeup tricks that will take years off your face. First of all, less is more! Be smart, not heavy-handed with your makeup application. One easy trick is to update your makeup collection. Many of us stick to the same products and brands for years and years. Hunt down modern tones and styles and freshen up the makeup drawer.


Now for the application. One of the most important aspects here are your eyebrows. A good, strong arch can open up your eyes and give them youth. We trust the products from Anastasia Beverly Hills here because they’re eyebrow experts! Next, use blusher to give life to your cheeks, just don’t overdo it. Finally, the clever application of concealer around the nose and eyes can lighten up the dark crevices.


  1. Change your perfume – Our nostrils automatically assign age to certain smells. Many perfumes and fragrances instinctively come with an age attached. In particular, the woody, earthy aromas tend to carry an elderly scent. Instead, freshen things up with a light, citrus smell. It can give the impression of youth with a single whiff. Remember, first impressions count for a lot.




  1. Yoga and meditation – Most yoga enthusiasts are quick to tell you their practice has kept them young. Even if you don’t believe them, you have to admit that most yoga lovers have a youthful glow! There’s no harm in giving this a go, and you’ll be surprised at the results. Yoga helps increase blood flow and circulation. It carries oxygen around the body which keeps skin healthy. Yoga and meditation also help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety that can add years to your face. You’ll release tension and feel ten years younger.


  1. Get your hair cut – It’s all too easy to get stuck in a rut with your hairdo. We all go to the hairdressers and get the same cheap and cheerful wash and cut. It’s time to change things up! Hairstyles change with the times and it’s your job to keep up. Don’t go for something too modern or stylish. Just stick to the timeless, elegant classic cuts, but keep it fresh. You can even add a touch of colour to brighten things up.


  1. Eat more fish – We could go on and on about anti-aging foods. There’s always a new diet du jour when it comes to shedding the years. Let’s just forget about fads and trends for a second. One thing that will guarantee a youthful appearance is fish, oily fish in particular. The Omega 3 is a vital nutrient that breathes life into your skin.


  1. Anti-aging creams – There are plenty of false claims and bold statements in the world of anti-aging creams. We don’t always trust them all, but some are certainly worth their expensive price tags. Use these body products as part of your moisturising routine and you’ll help seal in vital water. Don’t expect overnight miracles, but long-term use can lead to good results.


  1. Massage your face – No, we haven’t gone crazy! This does work. As you age, your muscles tend to tighten up and hold tension. Stress is a big contributor, and we all suffer from that problem. We’re no experts in face massaging, so follow an online tutorial and go at it. The muscles in your face will feel more relaxed, and it will bring your smile out.


  1. Exercise – There’s no doubt about it, exercise keeps you young. One of the first steps to looking younger is feeling younger. Regular exercise will bring back that vigour of youth. Exercise also helps open up your blood flow and deliver more oxygen around the body. It will keep your heart healthy and your lungs working well.


  1. Cut out alcohol – Alcohol has a devastating effect on our bodies. Not only will it rot your liver and increase the risk of any number of conditions, it’s bad for your skin. Alcohol dehydrates the skin, sucking essential moisture from the body. It also contains congeners that wreak havoc on our pores.


  1. Brush your teeth – There is nothing more youthful than a wide, joyous smile. Good dental health will contribute to your overall youthful look. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, after meals. Then use floss and mouthwash to keep them looking perfect. Clean, white teeth will add sparkle and a natural glow to your face.


  1. Herbal remedies – Not everyone can see the benefits of alternative therapies. However, there is some scientific evidence in the sense that herbal teas contain antioxidants. Antioxidants are essential for cleaning out the body and slowing the aging process.


  1. Laugh and love life! – All the tricks in the world will never work quite so well as this one. Laughter stretches and works all the muscles in your face. It relaxes your body and injects those feel-good endorphins. When you love life, it shows in a natural, youthful glow.


There you have it, folks. Twelve fantastic (and easy) tricks to looking ten years younger. Start implementing them day by day and you’ll notice the difference immediately. What’s your best-kept secret?


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