Modern Parenting: All About Tracking Your Teen’s Cell Phone

There is no doubt that parenting is a skill that you acquire on the job and it can be difficult to know how to handle certain situations when you haven’t had to deal with a similar situation before.

Modern parenting is in many ways, different to how we were raised by our own parents, especially when you consider how the digital revolution has shaped the way your children interact with each other.

The teenage years are almost always going to be the most demanding part of your parenting journey, and when you consider all of the dangers that your son or daughter could face in their formative years, you can understand why you may want to consider tracking their cell phone.

Keeping them away from harm

There are numerous dangers facing your teenager, as personal injury lawyers will confirm, things can soon go wrong with issues like distracted driving to consider amongst other threats to their wellbeing.

It is not just behind the wheel that your teenager can prove to be vulnerable, as there are other potential dangers that they could encounter, such as at a teen party where there is no parental supervision.

The problem for many parents, is that you understand the advantages of using a tracking software on their phone, to see where they are and what they are up to, but there is naturally going to be a concern that you don’t want to break their trust by spying on them.

Living their life online

You will no doubt have witnessed first-hand that teenagers spend a lot of time connected to their cell phone.

The average time spend online each day is in excess of seven hours, so it stands to reason that virtually everything they are up to and everyone they are talking to, will be channelled through their mobile device.

Social network sites, text messages and activity on dating sites like Tinder, can all be used by your teenagers and while most of it could simply be harmless chatter between friends in their social group, there is the potential for issues like sextingissues like sexting or even the possibility of someone undesirable befriending your child, without them knowing their true identity.

As your teenage son or daughter spends a lot of their social life online, it therefore makes a lot of sense to try and see what they are up to and most importantly, whether they are safe.

What you can see

If you use an app like TeenSafe for example, you can read your child’s text messages, even ones that have been deleted.

You can also see their Tinder activity, monitor which calls they have been making and receiving, plus you can monitor their activity on sites like Instagram, WhatsApp, Kik Messages and numerous other similar sites.

Another important feature with a monitoring app, is that you can view your teen’s device location, which could be very useful if you are worried about where they are and can’t reach them by calling their number.

Maintain a good level of honest and open communication with your teenager is always a good policy for ensuring their safety and using a monitoring app, could also help you to achieve this aim, along with your own efforts to guide them through their difficult teenage years.

Danielle Parry writes on parenting topics in her spare time. Using her personal experiences of raising 2 kids to come up with topics that she thinks other parents will enjoy reading and find beneficial.

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