3 Important Things You Should Be Giving To Your Elderly Loved Ones


Taking care of the elderly is something that we all know is of great importance. This is especially true if the elderly loved ones in question are our parents. After all, they brought us up, fed us, nurtured us and played with us. It is only right that we return the favor at a time when they need our support and love.

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With this in mind, there are three important things you should be giving to your elderly loved ones. The first is time, the second company. The third is respect. Let’s take a look in closer detail at each of these, and how you can show and display them in ample measures.

Give them time

Maybe you have children, a hectic job, a busy household. Life is busy for many of us, and sometimes time is not our friend. Often, it can feel like it is not on our side at all! This means that when it comes to finding time to visit elderly relatives, we may struggle. We may not see it as a necessity; not as important as doing an extra shift at work, for example. Not as important as getting that stain out of the new carpet, and washing the car.

Don’t berate yourself for struggling to find this time. It’s a common problem and one that many of us experience. But however you do it, you need to find it. Giving the elderly your time is key. With this time, you can do so much to help them. You can go over to their house or care home and clean their room for them. You can take them shopping for a new comfortable outfit, or some fresh bedding. You can handle jobs that they can no longer do, like weeding in the garden, or vacuum cleaning. A hour of your time is not a lot, but to them, it can make a significant amount of difference. So, reschedule your week if we have to. Have one less night relaxing in front of the TV if you have to. Take your kids along with you if you have to! But be sure you are giving time to your elderly loved ones.

Give them company


We’ve talked about giving time. Well, probably the most valuable thing you can do with this time is the following. Happily, it’s a very simple one and doesn’t require much effort at all. Give them company. Levels of loneliness in elderly is an epidemic felt in countries right across the world. They lose their friends and their partners and are no longer healthy enough to leave their homes. Therefore, if people don’t visit them in their homes and give them a little company, they end up isolated. This isolated causes feelings of huge sadness, and can even lead to severe depression. Consider also hiring some elderly companion care in addition to the visits you make yourself.

Give them respect

The last point regards to respect. We all know that we should respect our elders. If they say they want to maintain their independence, don’t laugh at them or disregard this. See if there is a way you can make it happen instead.

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