Tech and Personal Injury Law: Getting Your Name Out There

More Americans are taking to the road these days, and with an increase in car, travel comes an increase in risk. Especially with companies like Uber and Lyft becoming one of the de facto ways of traveling for many, traffic accidents have been on the rise. These businesses are disrupting a variety of areas of everyday life, including automotive accident law, according to Daniel Kim Law, a Lyft accident lawyer. While technology is responsible for more danger on the road, it also represents a major opportunity for personal injury lawyers. Read on to learn a few of the different ways that tech can help you get your law firm’s name out there.

Prioritize high-quality video content.

Social media has become increasingly important when it comes to representing your business. As a result, customers are judging companies more and more based on the visual content that gets put on their social media channels. This means that one of the easiest ways to represent yourself better in the eyes of consumers is to focus more on the content you’re producing. When it comes to capturing the interest of other social media users, video is one of the best ways to put out a message that stops customers’ scrolling in their tracks.

Hiring a video production company can help you create the kind of content that really builds interest in your law firm. A business like Coldea Productions is a great option for showcasing all of the selling points of your firm since they’re adept at a wide range of services and projects. From commercials and web-based videos to animations, the right video production company can help you generate compelling content that you can use and reuse in your social feed as organic posts and ad content to attract new customers and help them learn how your team of attorneys can help them with their personal injury case.

Find ways to leverage customer testimonials.

As you’re planning your social content and videos, utilizing successful cases from the past is one of the best ways to illustrate your expertise. While it’s one thing for you to share your strengths with potential clients, it’s even more powerful if past clients illustrate your prowess with their words and stories. You can feature these stories with video as well as some simple graphics superimposed over their photo.

Another way that you can start to build positive word of mouth about your law firm is to take advantage of websites like Yelp as well as reviews associated with your Facebook or Google My Business page. This way, when a potential client first looks up your business after seeing an advertisement for it, they’ll be greeted with positive customer testimonials that help them understand how you can help them.

Run a lead generation campaign on social media.

You’ve probably already heard a lot about how social media can be a force for good when it comes to creating a more personal brand for your law firm. However, not enough businesses and law firms leverage all that social media has to offer. One such feature involves designing and running a lead generation campaign. During a lead generation campaign, you give potential clients the opportunity to opt into learning more about the services you offer. Thanks to the ease of social platforms like Facebook, important contact information is obtained for you to use when reaching out to different individuals.

Interested clients can even fill out a few details about their personal injury case and schedule a time when they’re available for a quick consultation. You can utilize this information to make connections and increase your caseload, following up with people who are interested in learning more about your firm and potentially retaining a team of your attorneys to represent them.

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