What You Should Know About Drains

Drains are not exactly glamorous things. They’re dirty and germy, and, when you think about it, a little bit boring. Drains and sewers existed way back in ancient times — Ancient Romans had them, for instance — which is kind of cool, but it also helps explain why we take this sort of stuff for granted thousands of years later.


So you’d be forgiven for not knowing — or caring — a whole lot about drains. Still, they are important things, so it’s probably best that you know a few basic things about them. Basic things like, for instance, the ones that we’re about to list here in this article.


How drains work


When you flush a toilet or let a tub drain, or when you use a sink or a shower, the water heads down the drain. Of course, that’s not the end of the story.


Every plumbing fixture in your home has a drain. Each of those drains connects to a drain line. And each of these smaller drain lines joins up to form a larger main line, which is the pipe that gets that wastewater out of and away from your house.


The main drain line may connect to a sewer line, which will deliver your wastewater to a municipal wastewater treatment plant that is run by the government. Alternatively, your main drain line might head to a septic tank on your own property, where wastewater is treated and then released into a drain field. Septic tanks are more common in rural areas.


None of this may seem particularly exciting, but it’s important to know how your drain systems work and what sort of wastewater system you have on your property. You’ll have different maintenance needs depending on what you’re dealing with.


Does your drain have a grease trap?


Grease shouldn’t end up in pipes — it’ll clog them right up! But, in some situations, grease is going to go down a drain. A restaurant, for instance, is going to need to wash grease plates and dishes!


When lots of greases is destined for a drain, that drain is outfitted with a grease trap. Such grease traps need special care and cleaning on a regular basis, so make sure that you’re familiar with the needs of your drains.


Drain cleaning and maintenance


Drains need care, the experts at drain cleaning in Las Vegas explain. Without clean and clear drains and drain lines, your home or business space can get uncomfortable and unsanitary fast.


You may sometimes be able to clear clogs in drains and drain lines with a plunger, but you should be careful about doing much more than that. Harsh chemical drain cleaners are not good for your drains and drain lines. They can make rubber gaskets brittle and can wear away at pipes. They can also create dangerous situations for plumbers and drain experts. If the drain cleaner fails to clear the clog, the professionals will arrive to find a whole bunch of dangerous sludge sitting at the top of the clog


The solution to your drain problems


So what should you do to clear clogs and maintain your drains? You should call an expert. You’ll find plenty of qualified plumbing professionals who specialize in drain cleaning, drain maintenance, and clog removal. Relying on the professionals will ensure that you don’t mess up anything by attempting an ill-advised do-it-yourself job. Call right away to get a reliable fix. After that, keep trusting your plumbing experts for regular maintenance. Preventative maintenance costs a lot less than you’d pay to fix drain disasters.

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