The Benefits Of Swapping To E-Cigarettes

If you’re someone who’s trying to quit smoking, then swapping to e-cigarettes could be the answer. Ask any smoker who quit in the past couple of years and that chances are they’ll say that the reason for their success is because they swapped to vaping. While there isn’t any long-term research on vaping, studies have shown that it’s much better for your body.

Still not convinced to make the switch? Then make sure to have a read of these benefits of swapping from smoking regular cigarettes to vaping. If these benefits of swapping don’t convince you, nothing will.


Save money

If you smoke, you’ll know just how expensive it can be. Cigarettes don’t come cheap, especially if you smoke a fair few of them a week. The good news about vaping is that it’s a much more affordable habit as most e-cigarettes can be reused. All you’ll need to do is stock up on liquid for your e-cigarette and cover the one-off cost of your device. To find out which liquids are most suited to you, check out the best e liquid reviews online and choose a flavour that appeals to you.

Fewer chemical nasties

Did you know that a normal cigarette contains around 600 different chemicals? Of these 600, 69 are linked to cancer – scary stuff. Many of the chemicals in cigarettes can lead to all sorts of disease later in life. From an array of cancers to COPD, a nasty lung disease. The great thing about swapping to e-cigarettes is that they have few chemicals compared to cigarettes. The only chemical that they contain is nicotine, and that’s it, so they’re a lot better for you.

Wean yourself off nicotine

One of the best things about e-cigarettes is that the e liquids come in a range of flavours and strengths. This means that over time, you can slowly reduce the amount of nicotine you’re consuming, weaning yourself off it. Once you’ve got down to the lowest nicotine strength, you then have the option to opt for nicotine-free e liquids. So that you can still vape but without the nicotine. This is great as many smokers like to have something to hold and play with, which is what vaping gives them.

You can ‘smoke’ anywhere


Because vaping isn’t considered harmful to others, you’re allowed to vape almost anywhere. Instead of having to stand outside when you want to ‘smoke’ you can stay in the warm and not be anti-social. Because the steam made from smoking an e-cigarette disappears in a matter of seconds, there’s no need to worry about others breathing it in. This is a major benefit if you have a young family and are worried about them breathing in your second-hand smoke.

So there you have it, all the main advantages of swapping from smoking traditional cigarettes to vaping. There are so many reasons to give vaping a go, from benefits for your health to financial benefits. Not to mention the fact that swapping to e-cigarettes can make quitting for good easier.


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