4 Numbers Every Car Owner Should Keep on Them at All Times

When you ask car owners about the data they remember about their cars, model numbers and license plate numbers tend to be the first things on their minds. However, there are several phone numbers and pieces of information that are worth remembering. Here are four numbers every car owner should keep on them at all times. We’ll also explain why this information is.

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A Reputable Tow Truck Service

When you’re stuck in the parking lot due to a dead battery or left on the side of the road due to two flat tires, the last thing you want to do is try to find tow truck services in the area that won’t charge you a fortune. Nor do you want to try to negotiate rates over the phone or make ten calls to find someone who will take an evening rush hour client without charging a fortune. Identify a reputable tow truck service and save their information as a contact in your phone. This information is more important than a good repair shop. Not all repairs can be made by your favorite mechanic, but you need to get yourself and the vehicle home in any situation.

A Good Locksmith

The last thing you want to try to do is to use the limited battery power of your phone to search for good, reliable locksmiths in your area while your purse and car keys are locked inside the vehicle. Instead, identify a good Dallas auto locksmith and save their information as a contact in your phone. Then you can call them whether you’ve locked the keys in the car or the car door won’t unlock no matter how many times you flip the switch. You should consider having the locksmith’s information in your wallet too, in case your phone is locked in the car or just dead.

ICE – In Case of Emergency

An “ICE” or in case of emergency number should be saved to your phone or in your wallet; Lifehacker suggested putting this info on a smart phone’s lock screen so that others can find it as soon as they find the device. This is a commonly used and immediately identifiable emergency contact if someone finds you dazed and confused by the side of the road. The ICE is a contact that paramedics can call to notify if you’re unconscious or unresponsive. This doesn’t have to be a family member or next of kin, though it often is. It could be a friend aware of your medical history and able to notify your family members if you’re in the hospital.

Your Insurance Company

If you’ve been in an accident and you’re safe, one of the first people you want to call is your auto insurer. This is especially true if your auto insurance policy provides roadside assistance or requires you to use their preferred towers. Another benefit of having the insurance company’s hotline or agent’s direct phone number on you is the ability to call after modest accidents or when you’re uncertain of what to do to avoid making a mistake.


For your safety, you should make sure that you have an emergency contact in your phone or as a clearly marked “in case of emergency” number in your wallet. Store phone numbers for a good locksmith and tow truck in your phone and in your vehicle. Also, make sure that you keep your auto insurance company’s information on hand in case of an accident.




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