Five Ways To Bring That Dilapidated Garden Back To Life

There are few things as sad about a house a garden that’s been left to its own decay. It happens all too often and easily. Once you let the garden start to slip, it can tend to just run away with itself. Perhaps you’ve moved to a new home and inherited a disaster of a garden. Well, it’s never too late to put a stop to that. With just a little effort, you can turn your garden from a tragedy into the best part of your home. Just follow the tips below and your dilapidated garden will be back to life in no time.


The right tools

If you plan on looking after your garden from now on, then you’re going to need the right tools. After all, this isn’t just a one-time fixer-upper. This is something that could become a new hobby if you’re lucky. Make sure you have your trowel, garden gloves and soil knife at the ready. You don’t need a lot of tools to garden properly, just a few of the right ones.


Getting rid of the weeds

Undoubtedly, in your absence, you will find that your garden has been absolutely overrun with weeds. Nothing you try to do in the garden will work with these pesky greens choking the life out of anything else that might look to grow. So take the offensive on weeds. Don’t take it out on the rest of the garden however. Try some of the more natural ways of killing weeds. Mulch is great for starving them of sunlight, then goes on add moisture and nourishment to your soil as it breaks down. If you want those weeds gone more quickly, spraying vinegar can do the trick, too. It’s corrosive to plant-life, but will wash away with the next rain.


Other pests

Weeds aren’t the only things that could be a problem to any of your future garden plans. There are other pests of the more moving variety you will have to contend with. Aphids are often a trouble to flowering plants and can be dealt with by immigrating some ladybugs. Slugs and snails are a lot more common and also eat a lot more. Though you can easily avoid them by watering first thing in the morning. Slugs and snails prefer well irrigated soil but they tend to only come out at night.


Healthy soil

If your garden has suffered years of neglect, all sorts of things could have happened to the soil. It could no longer retain enough moisture. The pH level might be unable to sustain the kind of plant-life you want. As mentioned above, like mulch, there are some things you can do to restore them. If it’s too far gone, however, you might need lawn solutions services to give your garden some new soil.


Raised beds to maintain your plants

One way of adding some life to a garden that needs some more work is by creating its own space. With a raised bed, you can add whatever soil you like and start growing without worrying that the rest isn’t perfect yet. It’s also a good way of keeping the garden nice and organised down the line.


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