Galaxy Lash Growth Serum



The more I age the more I am noticing changes in my appearance, especially the skin on my face and my hair. Not only has the hair on my head thinned but so have my eyelashes and eyebrows. It’s SO depressing!

These changes are fairly natural but lucky for me and those of you experiencing the same issues, there are brands out there just waiting to help us age gracefully with a variety of products. Sadly we can’t stop the aging process but we can make the most of our time, right?


One super awesome product I recently learned about is the Lash Growth Serum created by Galaxy. It was designed to increase lash length fast. I don’t know about you but I was definitely not blessed with long, luscious lashes. Mine are short and straight so I’m forced to use an eyelash curler to get them to stand up and open up my eyes.

In as little as 14 days this product is said to give you a noticeable difference without irritation to your eyes. Plus, it’s really easy to apply. The tube comes with a small brush applicator that you run along the eyelash hairline. It dries within seconds and starts to work quickly so your eyes really pop.


You may also notice fuller lashes which for me is a huge plus— mine were quite thin so I’m loving the results so far. They feel much more hydrated and they look healthier too. I’m quite sure that after another two weeks I will be able to forego the eyelash curler and just use a little mascara for an awesome look.

I can’t wait for that because every time I use that dreaded curler I feel pain— OUCH! It pinches the edge of my eyelids.

To be honest I had never used an eyelash serum or comparable product like this before and I didn’t have high expectations but Galaxy really impressed me because the short term results are great. Now to see what happens in the long term. I should have some pretty va-va-va-voom lashes to flutter in front of my hubby. hehee!


Lacking full eyebrows? This may surprise you but you can also use Galaxy Lash Serum on those puny brows to thicken them too. Woohoo!

Something else that’s great about this product is that you get permanent results so if you stop using it at some point, your eyelashes and eyebrow hairs will NOT fall out. Galaxy Serum nourishes, moisturizes. repairs and protects those hairs, the follicles and the skin around your eyes so the benefits last and last.

Live with Luxurious Lashes! 


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This product was received from the Company for review purposes only. All thoughts and words in this post is my own and I was not paid to endorse it. I am only voicing my opinion about this product.

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