Facts about Singapore Abortion

Pregnancy is critical moment in a woman’s life. After a woman is sure of the pregnancy through a test, the early signs will become evident. Reliable tests can be conducted using a home pregnancy test kits that can be purchased from a reliable health pharmacy or drug stores. Apart from fatigue and sore throats, other symptoms that are experienced during the first few weeks include nausea and food cravings. Pregnancy in Singapore can be easily detected if you visit the nearest healthcare facilities for the right tests. However, if one is not ready to have a baby, Singapore abortion is the most plausible alternative.
Most of the symptoms experienced are also associated with other complicated signs of stomach virus and cold. However, it is important to know that these signs vary depending with the individual and the stage of the pregnancy.
Pregnancy can be a daunting and confusing moment especially if it is the first time. There are many critical decisions the expecting woman must make. The most critical one is to decide whether to keep the baby or to terminate the pregnancy through the process of abortion. It is all about understanding the options and deciding on the inner feelings.
If abortion is the ultimate decision, the process has to be performed with the utmost sobriety and soberness. Many women have lost their lives while attempting to terminate their pregnancy. It is delicate process that must involve delicate and calculated steps. Singapore abortion is done with professionals who have a wide experience and knowledge in handling even the most complicated cases of abortion.
The earlier an abortion is performed, the easier it is going to be. The methods to be used in abortion largely depend on the stage of the pregnancy. The safest pregnancy termination should be done within the first 12 weeks after fertilization has taken place. For starters, the expecting mother can opt for medical abortion, which involves a combination of pills that are taken to induce the pregnancy. Another method of termination the pregnancy is through menstrual aspiration that ought to be performed by a qualified health care provider. This method can only be used if the pregnancy is not exceeding 4 weeks after the missed period. Vacuum aspiration is another Singapore abortion method that involves the use of suction apparatus to remove the growing fetus and other uterus contents.
A pregnant woman also has the opportunity to keep the pregnancy and have birth. An abortion should be an option if the pregnancy was unintended. If the recent statistics is anything to go by, thousands of women across the globe are severely affected by unintended pregnancy. Studies that have been published accurately indicate that a quarter of all the pregnancies occurring are usually unplanned. Yet on the face of it, some of the women affected used contraceptive pills that were not effectiv

The OBGYN Centre offers discreet pregnancy termination services. This is in the form of a safe and professional package aimed at a swift and quick resolution of the situation.  We are dedicated to patient choice and comfort and we prefer to focus constructively on prevention rather than on contrition. We have considerable experience with difficult situations involving both local and expat patients. We believe our clean track record is due to our considerable experience, stringent protocols and uncompromising attention to sterility.
Pregnancy and abortion are two critical stages that affect all women at some point in life. Pregnancy in Singapore can be an easy period only if the necessary care is done. Involving qualified and competent doctors is a good decision.

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