3 Forms of Gynecological Malpractice

Malpractice is a reality across all medical disciplines, and gynecology is no exception. Medical malpractice cases usually involve a lawsuit filed against a specific physician or surgeon, hospital or clinic, or other type of healthcare providers. These lawsuits sometimes arise if a patient experienced a misdiagnosis that led to problems or the advancement of an illness, negligence, medication mistakes, errors during surgery, or other problems that caused harm.

The majority of medical malpractice cases are settled before they reach a trial. According to a Medscape report, 37 percent of lawsuits related to OB/GYN malpractice cases were settled before trial. The report also revealed that most OB/GYN doctors (97 percent) hold malpractice insurance coverage.

Misdiagnoses, negligence, and surgery complications often lead to a malpractice lawsuit for the gynecology realm of medicine. If you have been a victim of medical malpractice, working with experienced malpractice attorneys should be your next step toward getting the compensation you deserve.

Here are three common types of medical malpractice in gynecology.

1. Misdiagnosis and/or delayed diagnosis

It’s a common problem for doctors to misdiagnose a patient or delay diagnosis that can in turn cause delayed treatment or the advancement of a condition. Misdiagnoses can be extremely harmful to patients. In gynecology, this could mean the misdiagnosis of serious issues like breast cancer, endometriosis, cervical or uterine cancer, fibroid tumors, and other conditions.

These misdiagnoses can come from the lack of detection because the doctor failed to conduct a mammogram, pap smear, ultrasound, breast examination, biopsy, or other test. These misdiagnoses can have harmful consequences. Women will not know about their underlying condition for a longer period of time, until other more severe symptoms arise. This means the condition will worsen, when it could have been treated much earlier had the doctor provided a more thorough examination and diagnosed the illness accurately.

Unfortunately, because symptoms for these illnesses can vary or appear minor, this is a common problem in gynecology.

2. Pregnancy or childbirth negligence

There are many complications that can arise during pregnancy, childbirth, and after childbirth. Medical negligence is common in these areas, both impacting the health of mothers and their infants. Negligence often relates to the failure of the doctor to recognize common issues such as hemorrhaging during pregnancy or labor, preeclampsia in the patient, gestational diabetes, abnormalities in placenta, or even symptoms of Bell’s palsy. This negligence also takes the form of the failure to adequately prevent excessive bleeding, to administer anesthesia properly, or to prevent a particularly love labor.

These are the common instances of negligence related to childbirth and pregnancy, though there are many others.

3. C-section surgery complications

A common surgery in the gynecological realm is the cesarean section (C-section) delivery method. This can be a complex process and is often rushed if the life of the mother or child is at risk. Some malpractice cases arise if a C-section was performed unnecessarily and is thus viewed as a serious medical error.

Sometimes these surgeries are performed improperly or a mistake is made, causing harm to the baby or the mother. Risks during this operation include bleeding and internal organ damage, infection, lacerated bowels, nerve damage, blood clots, heart complications, and more.

Another malpractice claim often made related to C-sections is failure to perform the surgery at all. Sometimes a doctor will fail to recognize fetal distress and will not perform a necessary C-section in a timely manner or at all.

Women have unique healthcare considerations that are particularly complex, and the risks associated with them can change at different stages of life. Though surgical complications and malpractice cannot always be controlled, women can still do things to make sure they stay as healthy as possible. Supplements from menolabs.com are exclusively made for women and can assist with strength and vitality, weight loss, and more.

8 thoughts on “3 Forms of Gynecological Malpractice

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  2. can I sue a doctor for causing nerve damage? I had a baby in February and even as soon as my c section was over and the medicine wore off I felt severe pain in the left side of where they sewed me up

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