Keeping Healthy At Work

Working in an office can be more of a health hazard than you may realize. The germs left on everything from keyboards to doorknobs is just a small fraction of the germs you’ll find around the office. The infographic below outlines some important factors or office related greams, and how to say healthy. Copy and…

Five Ways To Feel Really Good

As each year passes, we make the same promises to ourselves. We’ll cut down on this, and we’ll be better about that. We’ll stop bad habits and take up good ones. We’ll beat our addictions, and we’ll look after ourselves better. And each year it’s the same. We start well, and then we get distracted.…

jump with jill

Making Health and Fitness Resolutions that Rock

Jump with Jill drops a new nutrition rock album to get kids moving in 2016 If you’ve tried and failed at keeping your health-related new year’s resolution, it’s not you – it’s your music. Registered Dietitian and musician Jill Jayne wants to make your resolutions into  habits by infusing your playlist with her new heart pumping,…

Common Issues We Get From Sitting Down All Day

Most people are in pain every single day. A lot of the time, the reason for this is because we’re sitting at a desk for hours on end. Bearing that in mind, here are three common issues we get from sitting all day, and how to deal with them: (Flickr: Upper Back & Shoulder…

Stay Healthy And Keep Fit With These Great Tips

What does it mean to be fit and healthy? We find it usually depends on who you ask. If you talk to most people they will tell you to be fit and healthy just means that you are eating a good, balanced diet. A little bit of exercise every now and then wouldn’t go amiss…

Surprise Your Pregnant Friend With These 4 Ideas

As you will know if you if you have ever carried a child, being pregnant is an amazing experience. While there’s something wonderful about growing a mini human, being pregnant also comes with its downsides. When you’re with child, and your body is full of hormones, feeling a little emotional is normal. However, sometimes, all…

Common Weight Loss Misconceptions You Should Avoid

Losing weight can be tough when you’re too heavy. However, there are lots of natural techniques you can try to get down to size. Of course, there are also medical procedures that can produce excellent results. You just need to make sure you have accurate information about the realities of each method. There are lots…

Mistakes to Avoid When Helping an Addict

Realizing that a friend or family member is an addict is a difficult thing to deal with. You probably haven’t dealt with an addict before, and you have no idea how to handle it. There are lots of things you should and shouldn’t do to help your friend, and yourself. You need to be understanding…

Methods Used by Speech Therapists

Much like any type of therapy, speech therapists use a variety of tools and methods to help your child. There are a number of factors that determine the types of methods used on each patient. these factors commonly include such things as child age, language challenge, and past experiences. While there are a number of…

The Benefits That Come from Physical Therapy

Mobility is something that the majority of people take for granted. It is not until they are faced with an injury or illness that impedes their mobility that they realize how big a blessing being able to move around freely really is. Physical therapy is designed to use evidence-based healthcare procedures to effectively provide treatment…