Methods Used by Speech Therapists

Much like any type of therapy, speech therapists use a variety of tools and methods to help your child. There are a number of factors that determine the types of methods used on each patient. these factors commonly include such things as child age, language challenge, and past experiences. While there are a number of methods used, there are some common practices used by many speech therapist professionals.

For some speech issues, professionals like at speech therapy sydney, will incorporate a number of different devices to help children gain better control over the muscle functions of their mouth, tongue, and throat. It is common to see popsicle sticks, whistles, or straws being used in medical centers and therapist offices. For other cases, it may be more prudent to teach the use of assistance devices such as computers with voice-synthesizing technology or special boards covered with symbols of commonly used items that a child can point at to help communicate.

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caring male psychologist counseling a teen girl

As in any child, motivation can be a key factor in their therapy. To help patients stay on track, professionals use a wide assortment of techniques. They can play games, use hand puppets, or flash cards to keep children focused.

While one-on-one sessions are generally the best form of speech therapy, there are a number of other activities that can incorporate a more social approach. In the end, it really is up to the individual patient and therapist to help decide what works best for them.

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