Five Tips for a Successful Mobile Video Conference

The success of iPhone and iPad has heralded a new mobile revolution. According to statistics presented on the Mashable website, the usage of the mobile platform along with the cloud technology have made desktops almost redundant. Apple gains millions of new customers every year as recorded on the Verge website. Apple devices have become so…

Amazing Ways Technology Has Improved Healthcare

The combination of medicine, healthcare and technology are a powerful one. As each year goes by, technology is transforming the landscape in hospitals and other care facilities. From research all the way through to modern treatment, technology is having an enormous impact on the world of medicine. To celebrate this fact, we thought we would…

The Best Desktop Support London Has For Your Business

The computers used in your business today are such a vital part of what you do that having computers or a server that is not running efficiently can have a negative impact on your business overall. If your employees are having trouble processing data and information it can cause delays or problems with orders, inventory,…

New Emergency Preparedness Radio for Families

New Emergency Preparedness Radio for Families Every summer we head to down the shore. My best friend lives in a campground for the summer season and my kids and I are always there. My kids love going there and hanging out with all of the other kids. It is one of those campgrounds where everyone…