Each Step Counts: 8 Great Student Data Tracking Apps for Educators

When you were studying to become a teacher, did you realize how much data you were going to be asked to collect?

As a teacher, you’re asked to collect all kinds of information on your students, from their scores on tests and assignments to information about their attendance and behavior in class.

It’s a lot to monitor, and many teachers report that data collection and student data tracking are some of the biggest challenges they face.

If this resonates with you, you’re in luck. There are lots of apps that can help to simplify this process.

Read on to learn about eight great student data tracking apps that every educator ought to know about.

Benefits of Student Data Tracking Apps

There are many reasons why you, as a teacher, ought to make use of data tracking apps.

Data tracking apps help you to get a more holistic idea of how your students are doing and whether they’re retaining the information you’re sharing with them.

This, in turn, can help you to fine-tune your teaching methods to make sure you’re serving your students in the best way possible.

You can also learn more about your students’ strengths and weaknesses when you use data tracking apps. This makes it easier for you to gather information on test and assignment score and figure.

As a result, you can know with more certainty which students are struggling with English and writing and which ones need help with math or science.

Which Study Data Tracking Apps Should You Use?

There are lots of benefits that come with using student data tracking apps. How do you know which apps to use, though?

Listed below are eight options you might want to consider:

  1. GoFormative

GoFormative is a great assessment tool for teachers. It’s totally free, too!

GoFormative provides students with a variety of quizzes and tests on all kinds of subjects.

These tests vary quite a bit in style, too. There are multiple-choice options, as well as assignments that involve drawing, typing, and submitting images.

GoFormative provides teachers with the option for real-time intervention, too. That way, teachers can see how their students are doing during the assessment and figure out where they’re struggling.

It’s easy for teachers to align the assignments to any kind of rubric, too. This allows them to track student progress more carefully.

  1. MasteryConnect

MasteryConnect is another awesome program that allows teachers to assess their students’ levels of understanding. It also simplifies the scoring process.

Teachers can use a webcam to quickly score bubble sheets from multiple-choice tests. They can also upload their own rubrics and determine their own mastery standards to make scoring and grading much easier.

The app comes with a comparison analysis features, too, which makes it easy for teachers to share progress with their superiors, as well as other teachers.

  1. Plickers

Plickers is an amazing — and free — assessment tool for teachers. It uses paper responses and provides students with quick check questions to make sure they’re understanding certain concepts or mastering particular skills.

This app also allows teachers to important student data and then monitor the room to check their responses.

With this feature, teachers can use the app to get an instant graph showing their students answers. As a result, you’ll know instantly how well your students are picking up a particular concept.

  1. Quizizz

If you’re all about working smarter rather than working harder, you’ve got to start using Quizizz in your classroom. Quizizz keeps students occupied with avatars, leaderboards, music, and even memes.

Teachers can use Quizizz to create their own quizzes, or they can use one of the app’s premade quizzes. While your students use Quizizz, you can monitor their progress and get live information on how they’re doing.

This app is also totally free.

  1. GoalsOnTrack

If your students need help staying motivated and setting goals for themselves, GoalsOnTrack is a great app to use.

GoalsOnTrack can be accessed via the web and via a smartphone application. It helps students (or anyone, for that matter) set realistic goals.

The app breaks these goals down into small pieces so that students don’t feel overwhelmed by them. It also provides space for them to take notes and track their progress.

  1. Stickk  

This app is targeted toward parents and teachers and provides them with a simple tool for monitoring progress.

It allows teachers (or parents) and students to set goals. The student can then give their teacher and/or parent to track their progress and see how they’re doing.

Teachers can also use this app to track the progress of their entire class. The whole class can also collaborate and discuss course material through the app, too.

  1. The Answer Pad

The Answer Pad comes with an assessment platform for students, and it provides teachers the opportunity to provide immediate feedback.

The app allows teachers to align assessment questions to particular standards and set guidelines for specific proficiency levels.

It gives teachers the option to share assessment results with the rest of the class, and it provides lots of different ways to break down data and measure progress.

The Answer Pad is a free app, but it also comes with some paid premium features.

  1. Otus

Technology can make standards based grading complicated for some teachers. Otus totally solves that problem, though.

This app makes it easy for teachers to create assessments and align those assessments with their own specific standards and goals.

It also simplifies the communication process between parents and teachers and allows teachers to monitor student behavior.

Otus integrates seamlessly with other apps and tools that teachers already use, too.

Learn About More Tools for Teachers Today

As you can see, there are tons of different student data tracking apps you can use to monitor your students and look for trends in their behavior.

Consider downloading one (or more) of these apps and giving them a try today. You’ll be amazed at how much easier it gets for you to keep track of your students.

Do you want to learn about other tech tools for teachers? Do you just want to gain insight into how technology is changing the classroom?

Either way, we’ve got resources for you. Start by checking out this article on the different ways that education has changed in response to new tech developments.

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