How to Make Your Home Healthier for Your Family

As a parent or guardian we want what is best for our families. We want our families to be happy and whole. We want our families to have everything possible that we can give them. The number one thing that we want for our families is to be healthy. Without health all of the rest of it doesn’t matter. This is why families spend so much money every year on healthcare and other medical expenses. The health of our families is priceless. Here are a few ways to create a healthier home for your family.

Cleaning Products

Cleaning products are an inevitable product inside of a household. The thing that most people don’t know is that there are a lot of cleaning products that leave worst things behind than the actual mess it is cleaning up. The amount of bleach and other harmful chemicals that are used when making cleaning products have proven to lower the overall health of individuals over time. The harmful chemicals that are used in laundry detergents are proven to cause harmful skin conditions especially in small children with weak immune systems. The best way to protect your family from these harmful chemicals is by buying all natural and safe cleaning products. I found a company called Melalueuca that offers tons of products just like these.


Air Filters

Air filters are extremely important when it comes to the quality of air within your home. They are even more important if you have individuals in your home who suffer from allergies. The thing that most people don’t realize is there are actual differences in different air filters. This is a case where buying the more expensive really is better. People also don’t realize that you need to replace your air filters monthly. If you replace your air filter monthly you will see a dramatic difference in the amount of dust accumulating in your home and that is a direct indicator of the better quality of air you are breathing in.



The hard truth is that carpet collects dust and other bacteria and germs, which ultimately makes it the absolute worst option when trying to create a healthy home. Wood, laminate, and concrete flooring are the best options. Reason being because they can be swept and mopped. Hard wood flooring is the ultimate better option because it can be fully cleaned where carpet cannot. There is no possible way to get every speck of yuck out of the carpet. Although carpet is desired in bedrooms and some living rooms, rugs on hard wood floor is a better option. Rugs are much easier to clean because they can be taken to a cleaners and properly washed where as carpet is suck in your home.


Security System

Most people when they think of a healthy home don’t think of a home security system. The reason is because they have not heard of Smith Monitoring and all of their amazing features that not only keep your family safe but healthy. Smith Monitoring specializes in Schertz home security  and Spring home security.They will install sensors in your home that can detect any chemicals or gases in the air that can be harmful to your family. It will instantly set off an alarm and notify your smart phone and the proper authorities. This way if you are not home you can still be aware of what is going on in your home.


Author Bio: Ally is a writer, wife, youth mentor, and health nut. Follow her blogs for all the current trends on home, health, and family.

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