Icing After an Injury: Good Idea or a Recipe for Disaster?

When someone sprains an ankle or jams their finger, what’s the first item most people reach for right off the bat? Ice. For years, the acronym RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) was the accepted standard for treating injuries, whether it was a professional athlete, middle school basketball player, or even a housewife who sprained her ankle speed walking. However, some recent studies have shown that icing an injury may not be the best option, which has people wondering: is icing after an injury a good idea, or is it a recipe for disaster?

What to Do After an Injury

If you’ve just been injured, chances are you’re in pain, and you’re unsure of what to do next. Most people would instinctively reach for the ice and then call up their doctor. However, the pandemic has made it challenging to head to the doctor, particularly for same-day appointments. That’s where telehealth comes in-;it’s an excellent, contact-free alternative to a traditional doctor’s office that allows for a safe way to get services. Those with injuries might want to try physiotherapy with Therapia.com, which is one of the best telehealth platforms for injury recovery that offers one-on-one treatment right inside your home. Physiotherapy helps you regain freedom of movement, range of motion, relieves pain, and reduces stiffness and overall muscle strain, which is why it’s so critical for injury recovery.

Why Icing an Injury is a Bad Idea

While the acronym RICE was created in 1978 and has been used ever since some recent studies have shown that the ice component of RICE is not a good idea and can even delay healing. Originally, icing an injury was supposed to diminish the body’s inflammatory response by accelerating the healing process.

Most people use ice due to its anti-swelling and pain-relieving, analgesic properties. It can help numb a twisted or rolled ankle that hurts pretty badly. However, it’s not been shown that not only does ice delay the healing process, but that complete rest is also not a good idea.

The Inflammation Process

The RICE protocol was developed by Dr. Gabe Mirkin, who now believes that delaying the inflammation can adversely affect healing. When the human body is injured, it sends out messages to macrophages, which are inflammatory cells. The macrophages then circulate a hormone called Insulin-like Growth Factor, or IGF-1. The function of these cells is to start the healing process by eliminating damaged body tissue. When ice is applied, it delays this process and prevents the release of the IGF-1 hormone. Ultimately, this slows down the start of the healing process, which means a much slower recovery.


Now that RICE was officially rescinded in 2019, the new protocol to follow is PEACE and LOVE. The PEACE and LOVE protocols stand for Protection, Elevation, Avoid Anti-Inflammatories, Compression, Education, and Load, Optimism, Vascularization, and Exercise. This is the newest practice and is used by physiotherapists, rehabilitation therapists, and sports medicine specialists.

Final Thoughts on Icing Injuries

However, the real question of using ice for injuries remains: if ice does relieve pain by numbing, should it ever be used for comfort reasons, even if it delays the healing process? Well, it’s a personal decision-;but really, it probably should be avoided. However, while some inflammation is necessary, too much is always a bad idea and can cause edema. If you have prolonged inflammation, you should always contact a physician before the injury progresses further. However, with the proper treatment techniques, skipping the ice, and some exercise, you’ll be back to new in no time.

31 thoughts on “Icing After an Injury: Good Idea or a Recipe for Disaster?

  1. As an orthopedic specialist, icing post-injury remains a cornerstone of acute management. When applied correctly and promptly, ice helps reduce pain and inflammation, promoting dogs for personal protection faster recovery. However, prolonged or improper use can impede healing. Thus, coupling icing with appropriate medical guidance ensures optimal outcomes, balancing relief with rehabilitation.

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  3. Icing after an injury is a common practice that has been used for many years to help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. However, the effectiveness and appropriateness of using ice for injuries have been the subject of ongoing debate in the medical community.

  4. Icing is often beneficial for acute injuries such as sprains, strains, contusions (bruises), and minor injuries like bumps or falls. Applying ice in the early stages can help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.

  5. Icing an injury has been a common practice for a long time, but there has been some debate in recent years about whether it’s always the best approach. The cold from ice can have a numbing effect, offering temporary relief from pain and discomfort.

  6. Icing after an injury is a common practice and can be beneficial in certain situations, but it’s important to understand when and how to use it effectively. Icing is typically used for acute injuries, such as sprains, strains, bruises, or minor fractures.

  7. Icing after an injury is a common practice in many situations, as it can help manage pain and reduce inflammation. Ice can help constrict blood vessels and limit the blood flow to the injured area, which can reduce swelling and inflammation.

  8. Icing after an injury is a commonly used technique, and its effectiveness depends on the type and severity of the injury. Applying ice to an injured area can help constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the area. This can help minimize swelling by preventing excess fluid from accumulating in the injured tissue.

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  11. A simple way to remember the best practices for treating injuries is the “RICE” method. This abbreviation stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. When you are injured, your body needs time to properly recover. Elevating the injured area, applying ice, using compression and resting can aid in the recovery process.

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