Summer Time is Perfect for Winning Moves Games

Winning Moves Games keeps Summer Fun Are you tired of hearing “I’m bored – there’s nothing to do!”, or having the kids stare aimlessly as the TV all day?  Break out the games and spend some time TOGETHER! Winning Moves games has something for everyone.  Long loved games and many new ones. Games for Kids…

Trio of Games from Winning-Moves

Winning Moves Makes Family Game Night Fun

My wife Michelle and I are avid board game players, so is her entire family as well.  There is just something about board games like the ones from Winning Moves that help bring us all together, and have fun while we are all bonding at the same time. Tile Lock Super Scrabble I simply love…

Hitstory Kids- Columbus Sails App

HitStory Kids is an app that will help toddlers in a fun and interactive way through cool episodes of American History, where they will be introduced to characters, objects and symbols linked to historical facts. The fun in HitStory Kids transforms in many ways: from funny, cute and sometimes even scary, but not too scary…


Have A Nickelodeon Christmas

When my daughter was about three, she would run around the house singing “Have A Nickelodeon Christmas, open up your Dora Explorer”. It was just the cutest thing to watch. She still sings and dances and she is still young enough that Dora is one of her favorite characters. I dread the day she stops…