A Cool Dental Customer

None of us relishes the idea of phoning the dentist. Like a fear of spiders, many of us learn to fear the dentist from our parents. We grew up watching them struggle through tooth pain like troopers, and we do the same ourselves. The thing to bear in mind, though, is that dentistry was a different beast when your parents were young. And, that’s where their fear comes from. But there’s no need to be afraid of the dentist anymore. With painkillers what they are, you’ll barely feel a thing as your dentist tackles your dental mistakes. Of course, getting past fear is easier said than done. This list may help you overcome those demons!


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When you ring your dentist, it can help to explain your worry. As it’s so common for patients to be afraid, many surgeries have a dentist especially for this. That dentist will be understanding and will go more slowly to ensure they put you at ease. As dealing with fear is what they do all day, they’ll take the time to understand and help you through. It may even be possible to book a longer appointment. This will give you the chance to get to know your dentist before they get anywhere near your mouth. Don’t be afraid to admit when a dentist isn’t the right fit for you, either. Keep trying until you find someone you feel comfortable with.


No one knows your mouth better than you do. As such, no dentist can know the problem better than you. Before you attend an appointment, try to identify the problem area. You don’t have to know exactly what’s going on, but being able to point your dentist in the right direction will help. Remember, too, that dentists are trying to run a business. As such, they will suggest all the work they think you need doing. Taking things one step at a time is important. Explain to them the problem you’re having, then take any other suggestions on board. It may be that you need something like this All on 4 treatment for dental implants, or your problem may be something superficial. But, focus on one issue before you consider anything else your dentist suggests. Your fear will only worsen if you think you need a lot of work done!


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As with any fear, the more you face it, the less power it will hold. Once you’ve dealt with the pressing problem, you may feel able to tackle anything else your dentist mentioned. Your fear isn’t going to disappear overnight. But, every visit will take you one step closer to being worry free. Over time, you’ll start to see that your fear was unfounded. Within a few visits, you’ll become a cool customer. It’s also worth going for a checkup every six months. Otherwise, you’ll find the fear has returned by the time another problem occurs.

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