It’s The Little Things… Making Small Changes For Big Savings

We all would like to save money where we can, sometimes the big purchases in life make it absolutely impossible for us to squirrel cash away for a rainy day, and if we have made a big life change, like moving home, it adds to a mountain of debt that’s big enough already! And finding the finances to go on vacation, or to take the family away for a weekend is a pipe dream. The trick to saving yourself money is not about starving yourself of the things you enjoy, but more about the habits you form. Here are some things to bear in mind:

Keep The Thermostat Constant

A simple increase in temperature, even by 1 degree can add as much as $40 to your heating bill each year. Is your home prone to losing heat quickly, or is it actually comfortable enough for you? What did your grandparents do when they were cold? They put another layer of clothing on. It’s a lot cheaper than cranking the heating up!

Replace Your Appliances

It may sound counter-intuitive, but if your home has appliances that are on the older side of things, they can use up a lot more gas, electricity, and water. A lot of people look for the cheaper items when shopping around for a new fridge or washing machine, but if they are prone to using up lots of juice, it could mean that your utility bills are that costing you that much more over the course of the year. Look for appliances that have good energy efficiency ratings, and by having a good warranty in place, you are saving yourself the hassle of buying a new one if they break down. There are many policies in place for the standard home appliances, you can check out for one example, but by doing your research and picking the right warranty for your products, it is going to be a lifesaver when the inevitable breakdown of your washing machine comes.

How Much Money Do You Spend On Pointless Things?!


Look at your bills for every month, your gym membership, your phone bill, and your meals out, are they all necessary? It’s interesting to see how much everything can add up to over the course of a year, even the little things. For example, if you buy one coffee every morning on your way into work and it costs you $3.90, and you work five days a week. That means you spend $19.50 a week on one cup of coffee. Instead, you could make your own coffee at home (with an expensive brand that tastes nicer than your shop-bought coffee) and take it to work with you, saving you hundreds of dollars over the year! The same goes with your gym membership. If you transform your home or garage into a place to work out, you will save hundreds on your gym membership. Go running outside if you need to get away for a bit, it doesn’t cost a thing!

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