How CBD Can Improve Your Life

Cannabidiol, more popularly called CBD, is just one of many chemicals found in the marijuana plant. Don’t get confused, though; CBD won’t get you high or give you the munchies. The chemical compound in cannabis that produces the “high” typically associated with marijuana use is THC. So, then, why is CBD growing in popularity among…

What You Should Know About Drains

Drains are not exactly glamorous things. They’re dirty and germy, and, when you think about it, a little bit boring. Drains and sewers existed way back in ancient times — Ancient Romans had them, for instance — which is kind of cool, but it also helps explain why we take this sort of stuff for…

How to Care for Your Septic Tank

Have you just purchased a new home, or are you considering a move, but the home’s septic tank has you wary? Fear not! Although a septic tank may seem very different from more traditional sewer lines, a septic tank functions much the same way, by treating your home’s wastewater. Septic tanks can save you money…

How to Have a Conversation About End-of-Life

For understandable reasons, a lot of us put off conversations about the end of life. While this might seem the most comfortable way forward, it can ultimately create hardship for those left behind. More importantly, it isn’t as uncomfortable as it might at first seem. Why we need the conversation Dying is a universal experience.…

Gift Ideas for Your Hipster Friend

 Several years ago, being called a “hipster” felt almost derogatory. You definitely didn’t want to get that label slapped on you when someone saw your Spotify playlists in 2008. Now, in 2018, it’s become so commonplace that it’s actually used as a descriptor term on Yelp reviews for restaurants with a certain ambiance. Millennial hipsters…

What to Give When You Don’t Know What to Get

We all have a friend or loved one who’s hard to buy gifts for during Christmas. Maybe they’re picky. Maybe they already have everything they need and most of the things they want. Perhaps they’re trying to live a minimalist lifestyle and don’t want things cluttering up the house. Whatever the reason, what should you…

Reasons to Do Your Gaming Online

  People gamble for a lot of reasons, but there’s one reason that’s most important: it’s fun. Gambling games are called “games” for a reason. When we gamble, we enjoy the thrill of risk and the joy of victory. Even in defeat, we get to play the game and feel the rush of mixing skill…

A Gift Basket for Everyone on Your List

  A Gift Basket for Everyone on Your List Some people aren’t gifted when it comes to giving presents. It’s hard to purchase a thoughtful item for coworkers or extended family members when you don’t know their interests and passions. Assembling a gift basket can make it look like you put a great deal of…