Benefits of Self-Care for Mental Health

Within a given year, one in five adults in America will experience mental illness of some kind. In fact, more than 90 percent of those who die by suicide each year show symptoms of a mental health condition, making suicide the second leading cause of death among those between the ages of 10 and 34.…

5 Ways to Approach Someone You Think Has a Substance Addiction

Substance addiction is on the rise and people of all ages can be affected. Overcoming the constraints of addiction is not always easy and often requires professional intervention. Those who have friends and loved ones with an addiction often find it difficult to approach the issue. Being able to properly approach an addict can help…

5 Very Good Reasons to Go to Therapy

 Baltimore is a city that can be rough and tumble. Every city has its drawbacks and imperfections, but Baltimore is not for the faint of heart. Just as Baltimore has a vibrant arts community, an enviable restaurant scene, world-class medical and educational institutions, it’s also a city touched by violence, the opioid epidemic, and poverty.…

Can Medicare Take My Settlement?

 It’s a scenario that could happen to anyone: You’re in an accident, whether at work or in the real world, and hurt by someone being malicious or, much more often, negligent. You’ve done the research, found a lawyer, given them everything you can to help your case, and then you find out you may not…

How to Shop for Medical Supplies Online

Today, most shoppers turn to the internet when searching for a product. If you’ve never made the move to online shopping, you might be a little bit hesitant about shopping for your medicine online. Even the most seasoned online shoppers might take pause at first, to the idea of buying medicine online. Now, once you…

Why Choose Cremation Instead of Other Postmortem Options

According to a survey published by CNN in 2017, more Americans than ever have begun choosing cremation as a postmortem option over traditional burial. In fact, more than 53 percent of people surveyed claimed that they would choose cremation upon death over any other funeral option available. As our views on death begin to change,…

The Guide to Essential Oils for Healthier Skin

The use of essential oils has been documented for tens of thousands of years. But Egypt is possibly the first culture to recognize the unique benefits they offer your skin. Since then, essential oils have been the subject of many experiments and studies, but they’ve re-emerged in a big way in the last decade. Possibly…

Why Spirituality Leads to Good Mental Health

People often hear the terms faith and spirituality without truly thinking about them. Everyone on earth has faith in order to simply live. People have faith that a car driving towards them will stay in its lane. They have faith that their airplane will stay in the air and land safely. However, faith in a…

Your Complete Online Guide to Choosing the Right Gym for You

Getting in shape and staying in shape is important for your health. Daily exercise and activity have been proven to help increase your vitality and boost your disposition. That is why it is so important to know what to look for when choosing the right gym for you. With gyms that are specifically created for…

Your Dieting Days Are Over!

Nearly all women go on a diet at some point in their lives. We want to be thinner and healthier but for most of us, the diets are short lived and the weight stays. How do we change that? Part of the problem comes from not knowing our bodies. There’s so much conflicting information out…