8 Easy Ways To Make Your Backyard More Inviting

Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ctcwired/36543348524 Are you thinking about ways to spruce up your backyard and make it a more inviting outdoor environment for your family and friends? Here are some easy and inexpensive ways to breathe some new life into your tired backyard.  1. Create a conversation area.  You can use your existing patio furniture, or…

Should You Adjust Your Water Heater Temperature?

Having water at the right temperature plays an important role in how much we enjoy our living situation. If you can’t change the temperature on your water heater, it can lead to cold showers, occasional burns, and high electric bills. It’s important to know what factors into the ideal water heater temperature in your home.…

A Gift Basket for Everyone on Your List

  A Gift Basket for Everyone on Your List Some people aren’t gifted when it comes to giving presents. It’s hard to purchase a thoughtful item for coworkers or extended family members when you don’t know their interests and passions. Assembling a gift basket can make it look like you put a great deal of…

Tips for Using a Glass Bead Blaster

Traditional abrasive blasting used sand to remove imperfections from a surface and to reshape materials. Over time, however, it became known that sand could have serious health consequences. Beyond that, it was not a material that could be used again, making it something that had to be replaced. In response to this need, glass beads…

To Renovate or Wait?

  Autumn isn’t just a time to drink pumpkin spice lattes and go bobbing for apples. Depending on where you live, it can also seem like a great time to perform renovations. But before you hire a contractor and start hammering into the drywall, you need to decide on a few things. The weather may…

4 Tips for Buying Floor Protection

  Floor protection is an absolute necessity if you plan on cleaning, moving, renovating or building something new in your home. But what if you’ve never shopped for floor protection? How do you know what to look for, and how can you be sure that you’re getting a good deal on it? Here are just…

5 Ways to Get Your Home Greener

We all want to live a greener and more environmentally friendly lifestyle. We’re militant in our recycling, we buy local produce rather than food that has been transported for miles, and we turn off electrical appliances rather than have them on standby mode; but there are more things that can be done in the home…